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Kazakhstan is one of the world's most breathtaking and diverse countries located in Central Asia. With its majestic mountains, pristine nature, and diverse cultural heritage, Kazakhstan offers an unforgettable travel experience for people of all interests. From snow-capped mountains and crystal-clear rivers in the north, to the deserts and sand dunes of its south, Kazakhstan's incredible landscapes and unique wilderness will have travelers wanting to explore more. Visitors will find plenty to do in Kazakhstan, from its lively cities and historical sites to its incredible outdoor activities. The country also features a rich cultural heritage, full of traditions and diverse customs, with a number of unique festivals and events taking place throughout the year. There are plenty of accommodation options in the country, from cities to remote villages, and an array of tasty local dishes to discover. Kazakhstan is also a great place to explore the great outdoors, with its wide variety of nature reserves and outdoor activities, perfect for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of cities. With its stunning landscapes, cultural treasures and outdoor adventures, Kazakhstan is a truly unforgettable travel destination.

The History of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a fascinating melting pot of cultures, having been settled by people throughout the centuries from various parts of the world including Scythians, Sarmatians, Mongols, Turkic nations, and Mongols. This multi-cultural background can be seen in Kazakhstan's unique architecture, food, and cultural distinctions, making it a fascinating place to visit.

One of Kazakhstan's earliest settlements can be traced back to the 5th century BC. Nomadic tribes of Scythians, Sarmatians, and others roamed the steppes, attracted by the fertile river basins of the Syr Darya and Ili rivers. The Silk Road also played a key role in the region's early development, as caravans took silk and other goods and ideas across China, Central Asia and into Europe.

The following centuries saw numerous invasions and changes of power, with the 13th century marking the Mongol invasion that would forever change the course of history in Kazakhstan. The Golden Horde's attacks ended with their defeat in the early 15th century, shrinking the once-mighty Mongol Empire and leading to the emergence of new trading towns in Kazakhstan.

The 16th and 17th centuries saw the rise of the Zhuz, a nomadic confederation of three Turkish and Mongolian tribes, which would continue to influence the region for centuries to come. In the 19th century, the Russian Empire annexed much of Kazakhstan, bringing with it a wealth of cultural and administrative changes that would forever shape the country as we know it today.

In the 20th century, Kazakhstan was one of the republics of the Soviet Union until it gained its independence in 1991. Since then, Kazakhstan has continued to develop economically, with thriving agriculture and industry and modern, multinational cities. Knowing the history of Kazakhstan can give visitors a fascinating insight into this unique nation, and allow them to experience the complex interplay between its history and cultures, far beyond what is known today. From historical sites to unique architecture and delicious food, Kazakhstan offers a captivating experience for visitors eager to explore its roots.

The Culture of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a country filled with centuries of culture and history waiting to be explored. From the hustle and bustle of its cities to the rugged landscape and stunning mountain ranges, Kazakhstan offers an unrivalled exotic experience. It is a land of many diverse tribes, religions and cultures and has an incredibly diverse population. Visiting Kazakhstan allows you to explore multiple cultures, experience a unique and memorable journey, and be captivated by its stories, tales and traditions.

Kazakhstan is a fascinating melting pot of culture, where nomadic lifestyles and long-held customs still hold true. Traditional nomadic activities such as horseback riding and yurt making form an integral part of the country's identity, and visitors will find a variety of enduring cultural practices in its villages and cities. Traditional Kazakh music, called kuy, is played full of expression and is one of the most famous traditional music styles of Kazakhstan. Visitors can also enjoy energetic dancing and captivating storytelling, as well as hunting, archery, and ancient martial arts.

Kazakhstan enjoys a rich gastronomic culture with an array of unique dishes, including baursak (fried dough), kazy (horse-flesh sausage), and plov (rice pilaf). Must-try delicacies include the fermented mare's milk, koumiss, kymyz, and kurt (dried curd cheese).

Moreover, Kazakhstan is known for its wide selection of unique artifacts, carpets, pottery, rugs, and local crafts. Approximately one-fifth of the population still lives in yurts, the traditional dwelling of nomadic tribes, which are now a novel attraction for tourists. The country also boasts several notable religious and cultural sites such as Lake Kaindy, the ruined city of Sauran, and the region's iconic mosques and minarets.

Kazakhstan is a fascinating cultural hotspot, full of diverse customs, religious and cultural sites, delicious cuisines, and stunning landscapes. It also boasts a warm and welcoming population. Anyone wanting to experience a truly unique culture should definitely consider travelling to this fascinating country!

The Food of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is home to a unique and vibrant cuisine that combines flavors from multiple cultures. Whether you're looking for a quick snack or a multi-course feast, Kazakhstan has something to suit your tastes and budget. From traditional Kazakh dishes to dishes influenced by other parts of the region, Kazakhstan's culinary scene is sure to please even the pickiest of foodies.

Kazakh cuisine is heavily based on lamb, beef, and camel. These meats are usually cooked and served in a variety of dishes, such as shashlyk (grilled skewers of meat), beshparmak (a boiled pasta dish), manti (steamed dumplings filled with minced meat and vegetables), and lagman (a noodle dish flavored with vegetables, spices, and either meat or vegetables). Dairy products like curds, koumiss (fermented mare's milk), and mare's milk cream are also important ingredients in many dishes.

Kazakhstan's culinary culture is a blend of traditional dishes and recipes from the regions surrounding the country, such as Russia, China, and Central Asia. Traditional Russian dishes, including blini (crepes filled with fruit, honey, and cream) and pelmeni (meat dumplings), are staples in Kazakhstan. Chinese recipes have also been adopted and adapted for the local palate, resulting in the creation of dishes such as lagman chuchvara (a soupy noodle dish typically served with beef).

Kazakhstan has a vast selection of restaurants, cafes, and street food. Street food, known as shirket in Kazakhstan, is a great way to sample local flavors. Popular items on the menus of shirket vendors include lagman, shashlyk, manty, samsa (meat or vegetable-filled pastries), and plov (rice pilaf). Traditional teahouses, or chayhana, are also popular in Kazakhstan, serving tea and other beverages, along with pastries and desserts.

Kazakhstan's culinary culture is truly unique and a great opportunity for food lovers to explore and discover the country's culinary heritage. From traditional Kazakh dishes to regional specialties, Kazakhstan is an amazing place to experience a wide range of flavors and dishes. Whether you're looking for a quick snack, a multi-course feast, or anything in between, Kazakhstan has something for everyone, making it an ideal destination for a food-filled adventure.

What to See and Do in Kazakhstan

  1. Visit Astana - Astana, Kazakhstan: Astana, or the capital of Kazakhstan, is a vibrant and exciting city that travelers should not miss. With its modern towers, world-class restaurants and hotels, and stunning cultural attractions, Astana is a must-see destination in Kazakhstan. While there, travelers should take time to explore the famous Bayterek Tower, take an architectural tour in the City of Architects, and experience a real slice of Kazakhstan's rich culture.
  2. Discover the Folk Culture of Almaty - Almaty, Kazakhstan: Almaty, the former capital of Kazakhstan, is the largest city in the country and one of its best cultural centers. During your trip, be sure to explore the city's colorful markets and vibrant nightlife. Head to local bars and clubs to enjoy live music performances, folk-dancing exhibitions, and traditional festivals. Take a guided tour to learn about Almaty's historical and cultural sites, including museums, art galleries, and beautiful religious buildings.
  3. Relax in Charyn Canyon - Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan: Charyn Canyon, a breathtaking UNESCO-protected site in the northeast of Kazakhstan, is a real natural wonder. The canyon's fantastic red and yellow sandstone formations are visible from miles away and offer fantastic trails, camping grounds, and other activities. Spend time in the golden canyon and explore its deep valleys, mysterious rocks, and lush vegetation.
  4. Dive into the Mysterious Poi Kotor Tyube - Poi Kotor Tyube, Kazakhstan: One of the most unique places in Kazakhstan is Poi Kotor Tyube, a region steeped in mystery and legend. Once a network of ancient underground tunnels, caves and underground dwellings, believed to have been part of a cult, it's now a popular nature reserve and archaeological site. Take a guided tour of the fascinating caves and explore its mysterious underground depths, with an experienced guide.
  5. Go Horseback Riding in Aksu-Dzabagly Nature Reserve - Aksu-Dzabagly Nature Reserve, Kazakhstan: Aksu-Dzabagly Nature Reserve, located in the remote Almaty region, is one of the best places in Kazakhstan for horse riding. Spend some days in the reserve, enjoy guided Tours and trek through the beautiful landscapes of the nature reserve, discovering its majestic rivers, ancient forests, and crystal-clear lakes.
  6. Explore the Beauty of Kolsai Lakes - Kolsai Lakes, Kazakhstan: The Kolsai Lakes are a stunning sight in the mountains of the northern Almaty region, located in the foothills of the Tien Shan mountains. Set within the Kolsai National Park, the three interconnected lakes offer spectacular scenery and have quickly become one of the most popular attractions in Kazakhstan. Explore the area with a local guide and paddle out on a boat to take in the peaceful surroundings.
  7. Visit the Lurk Caves - Lurk Caves, Kazakhstan: Part of the mysterious Ili-Balkhash mountain range, the Lurk Caves are an amazing natural wonder. Discovered in 2001, the caves are home to the world's largest colony of blind salamanders, and are considered to be the deepest caves in Central Asia. Don't forget to take a guided tour and explore the remarkable limestone formations, chambers, and trails.
  8. Yurts and Horses Around Altyn-Emel National Park - Altyn-Emel National Park, Kazakhstan: Altyn-Emel National Park is an amazing and unspoiled desert landscape in the east of Kazakhstan. Spend some days around the national park and arrange an overnight stay in a traditional Kazakh yurt, with your own family. If you'd like, you can also take a horse-riding tour through the vast sand dunes of the park.
  9. Walk along the White Mountain - White Mountain, Kazakhstan: White Mountain, also known as Baitogay, is an ancient granite mountain, located right in the middle of the country. Owned by the Kazakh people since thousands of years, the mountain is considered to be a sacred place, and is part of the Silk Road heritage. Take a hike in the surroundings of the mountain and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys, canyons and plateau.
  10. Heritage Shopping in Balqash - Balqash, Kazakhstan: Discover the best of Kazakh handicrafts and other traditional arts in Balqash, the largest city in the eastern part of the country. The old town of Balqash has dozens of stores offering handmade jewelry, ceramics, wood, textiles, and other artisan items. Head to the weekly weekend bazaar to really feel the local vibes and to find the perfect souvenir of your trip.

Why You Should Travel to Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a beautiful and expansive travel destination located in Central Asia. With its stunning mountains, Crystal blue glacial lakes, rolling steppe and vast deserts, Kazakhstan is a country of immense natural beauty. The mesmerizing landscape stretches from the snow-capped Tian Shan Mountains in the East to the crenulated border with Kazakhstan in the west. Along with its diverse and breathtaking terrain, Kazakhstan also has a deep cultural history and vibrant culture that is sure to captivate travelers.

The cities and towns of Kazakhstan add to the country's charm, with well-preserved architecture, modern amenities and a thriving nightlife. The stunning metropolitan city of Almaty stands as a testament to Kazakhstan's wealth of culture and history while the ancient Silk Road city of Turkestan gives visitors a glimpse of the country's ancient past. Those looking to explore the spiritual side of Kazakhstan can visit the Osh Plana Mosque in Shymkent or the Sata Yamma Mosque in Kostanay for a truly enriching experience. Nature lovers can take a trip down the majestic Deep Ili River or take a stroll in the peaceful natural surroundings of Borovoye National Park.

Despite its vast size, Kazakhstan is a surprisingly accessible destination. Its modernized public transportation system combined with reliable accommodation options make it easy to explore the country on a budget. And while the wild and untamed nature of Kazakhstan can be intimidating, the generous and welcoming spirit of the local people make the experience all the more enjoyable.

Ultimately, Kazakhstan is a land of impressive beauty and rich culture, making it an ideal travel destination for those looking for something truly unique. Imust travel to Kazakhstan to experience its charming cities, amazing scenery, fascinating culture and vibrant atmosphere for myself.

Tips & Tricks for Traveling in Kazakhstan

  1. Do your research: Kazakhstan is a vast and exciting country with a lot of history, culture and activities to experience. Prepare your trip in advance by reading up on the local customs and language, researching about the climate, culture, and attractions, and setting a budget for your travel. This will ensure that you have the best time.
  2. Learn the basics: Although you may not become fluent in Kazakh or Russian by the time you leave, take the time to learn the basics. This will help you in navigating transportation systems and communicating with locals.
  3. Take the Train: The train system in Kazakhstan is often seen as one of the best ways to travel around the country. It's comfortable, efficient and you get to see more of the country as you travel.
  4. Use the bus: In smaller towns and rural areas, the bus network is likely to provide the most direct route to your destination.
  5. Don't forget your visa: Make sure that you've acquired the appropriate visa for travel in Kazakhstan.
  6. Stay in guesthouses or hostels: Budget travellers will be able to find affordable and comfortable accommodation in guesthouses and hostels throughout Kazakhstan.
  7. Car hire can be an option: If you're travelling through the rural areas and need to cover large distances, car hire may be a viable option. Check for special discounted offers for foreign travellers.
  8. Bring some cash: The 'tenge' is the official currency and although many places will accept payment by card, it's always useful to have some cash on you.
  9. Eat like a local: Kazakhstan boasts a variety of delicious and traditional dishes, so take the time to try them out.
  10. Shop around: If you're planning to buy souvenirs or gifts, make sure to shop around and compare prices. You'll likely be able to find better deals and better quality goods in smaller, more remote locations.

Other Places You Might Like

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: Located in Central Asia, Bishkek is one of the most amazing cities for those who love Kazakhstan. This vibrant and colorful city not only has a large population of ethnic Kazakhs but also a rich culture and history. It is home to some of the most breathtaking views of the Tien Shan Mountains, and it's a great place to explore the ancient Silk Road. Plus, the city has vibrant local markets, delicious traditional foods, and unique crafts. There's no shortage of activities and sights to explore in Bishkek and its surrounding regions, making the city a great destination for those who love Kazakhstan.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Located to the east of Kazakhstan, Ulaanbaatar is an impressive capital city that is really worth exploring. This city is full of traditional Mongolian culture and it's an exciting blend of the past and present. There is a great mix of both traditional city districts and modern architectural attractions, so it's perfect for those who want to see both sides of the culture. Plus, it's also a great place to take part in outdoor activities, like hiking and trekking in the nearby mountains.

Dushanbe, Tajikistan: Dushanbe is a vibrant capital city located in Central Asia, and it is truly a gem for anyone who loves Kazakhstan. This incredible city has a unique blend of both traditional and modern attractions, from beautiful mosques to modern theaters, from colorful bazaars to parks. Plus, it's full of great restaurants, nightlife, and cultural sights. There's something for everyone in Dushanbe and it's a great city to explore on a holiday.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Tashkent is a great destination for those who love Kazakhstan, as it's the largest city in Central Asia. This city is full of history and culture, and it's home to a variety of different architectural styles. It's a great place to explore the Silk Road and it's also full of great restaurants and entertainment spots. Plus, there are a few museums in the city so it's the perfect place to learn more about the region and its history.

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