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Travel News: Strikes in UK & Scotland, and an update on JetBlue/Spirit Merger

In Travel News for February 8th, 2023 we talk about about strikes affecting Air Travel in the United Kingdom and Scotland, and we have an update on the JetBlue - Spirit merger.

Travel Alert: Border Force Officials to Stage a Strike on March 15 - How it Could Affect Your Journey

As a traveler, the last thing you want is to be caught off guard by unexpected disruptions to your travel plans. That's why it's important to stay informed about the latest developments in the travel industry. And today, we bring you news about the upcoming Strike by Border Force officials on March 15th.

The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) has called for a one-day Strike by 100,000 members in the Civil Service and public sector, which could have a significant impact on travel in and out of the UK. According to aviation data firm Cirium, a total of 2,125 flights with 365,000 potential passengers are scheduled to arrive into UK airports on March 15th. The largest airlines by arriving flights will be British Airways, EasyJet, and Ryanair.

The Strike by Border Force officials is part of the PCS's escalating strategy over pay, pensions, and job security. The union has stated that their strategy involves "sustained action in targeted areas where we can exert significant pressure on the employer, supplemented by all-member action called when its effect can be maximized." This means that travelers must be prepared for potential disruptions to flights and border control procedures on March 15th.

So, what can travelers do to stay ahead of the game? First and foremost, stay informed. Keep an eye out for any updates or changes to flight schedules, and be sure to check with your airline for any additional information. It's also a good idea to have a backup plan in case of delays or cancellations.

In conclusion, the upcoming Strike by Border Force officials on March 15th is a developing situation that travelers must be aware of. As a traveler, stay informed and be prepared for potential disruptions to your travel plans. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to your travel agency for assistance.

Strike Action to Impact Scotland's Highlands and Islands Airports - Unite Union Confirms

Travelers, beware! The Highlands and Islands Airport Limited (HIAL) group is facing a Strike later this month, which is expected to cause disruptions in several Scottish airports. The strike is a result of a pay dispute between the airport workers and the management, represented by the Unite union.

The Unite union represents security staff, baggage handlers, ground crew, fire and rescue personnel, security staff, and administrative workers. The workers rejected the 5% pay increase offer, citing the soaring inflation rate of 13.4% (RPI) as the reason. The union has stated that the pay offer is unacceptable and represents a substantial real terms pay cut.

Dundee airport will be closed for flights on February 17 and 20. Meanwhile, the following airports will be closed for flights on February 21, 22, and 23: Barra, Benbecula, Kirkwall, Stornoway, Sumburgh, and Tiree. However, travelers can be relieved to know that Campbeltown, Dundee, Inverness, Islay, and Wick John O’Groats airports will operate normally from February 21 to 23.

Sharon Graham, Unite general secretary, stated that inflation is at a generational high, and yet the HIAL group believes a substantial real terms pay cut is what their hardworking members deserve. Shauna Wright, Unite industrial officer, added that the workers who keep these airports running in isolated and rural communities across Scotland deserve more than what is currently on the table. The union is calling on the Scottish government to improve the pay offer and invest more in these communities.

Inglis Lyon, HIAL's managing director, has apologized for the disruption that this Strike action will cause to airlines and passengers. He urged anyone intending to travel on these dates to contact their airline. The enhanced offer presented by HIAL maximizes the flexibility within the Scottish government's pay policy, and the company remains in dialogue with Transport Scotland and the trade unions to resolve the matter.

Travelers, if you have any plans of traveling to Scotland during the Strike dates, it is advisable to check with your airline for any updates on flight schedules. Stay informed and stay safe!

Anticipating the DOJ: Spirit Airlines Awaits Ruling on $3.8 Billion Merger with JetBlue

Spirit Airlines is on the edge of its seat as it awaits the Department of Justice (DOJ) to issue a ruling on its proposed $3.8 billion merger with JetBlue. According to Spirit CEO Ted Christie, the ruling is expected within "the next 30 days or so." The airline is eager to see if the DOJ will allow the deal to move forward or file a lawsuit to block it.

The merger between the two airlines was agreed upon in July 2022, following an intense bidding War that started in February 2022 when Frontier Airlines announced its plans to purchase Spirit for $2.9 billion. If the DOJ ruling goes in favor of Spirit and JetBlue, the merger will result in the creation of the nation's fifth-largest airline.

However, the road to the merger completion has not been without challenges. The DOJ's recent lawsuit against JetBlue's Northeast Alliance deal with American Airlines has added to the concerns surrounding the merger. Additionally, airfares continue to rise ahead of the peak summer travel period. These fears were also outlined by Spirit when it was seeking shareholder approval for the deal with Frontier last summer.

JetBlue is aware that the regulatory process will be a drawn-out one and does not expect the deal to be completed before December 2023. Despite the challenges, both Spirit and JetBlue remain optimistic about the future and the potential for the merger to provide travelers with a more comprehensive and cost-effective travel experience.