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Jordan, the Hashemite Kingdom, is one of the most diverse and fascinating destinations on the planet, offering a plethora of cultural, historical, and natural wonders for visitors. From the ancient ruins of Petra, a magnificent city carved into the rock face of a mountain, to the iconic Dead Sea, with salt densities of ninety percent, allowing a unique and surreal experience of floating high above the salty water, Jordan is a country full of diverse experiences. Adventurers can explore the stunning Wadi Rum desert, or try their hand at scuba diving and snorkeling in the spectacular Red Sea. Meanwhile, history buffs can marvel at the archaeological wonders of Jerash, a Roman city dating back to the second century BC, or journey to the banks of the Jordan River to explore Madaba and Mt. Nebo, where Moses is said to have viewed the Promised Land. With a wide variety of luxury resorts, hotels, and health & wellness retreats, Jordan is an ideal destination for luxury travelers, as well as for those seeking to immerse themselves in the local culture and discover the hospitable people. So, come and experience all that Jordan has to offer - from the boundless beauty of the majestic desert, to the rich and varied cultural and historical heritage - you won't regret it!

The History of Jordan

Jordan is a Middle Eastern country with a rich and varied history that dates back thousands of years. Its strategic location between the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabian Peninsula, and the rivers of the Tigris and Euphrates has played a defining role in both ancient and modern history. During antiquity, the area now known as Jordan was part of a number of powerful empires, and the remains of these civilizations can still be seen dotted across the country. Ruins from the Neolithic, Roman, and Islamic eras are plentiful, with the most spectacular sites found in the city of Petra, the former capital of the Nabataean kingdom.

For centuries, Jordan was a hub of trade and commerce, and remains so today. It is a popular route from the Mediterranean and Greek civilizations to the Middle East and Africa, and is still home to centuries-old souqs selling everything from spices to jewelry and exotic treats. In recent years, Jordan has become a major tourist destination with its vast array of historical attractions. Visitors to the country can explore the ruins of ancient cities, visit biblical sites, and observe the remains of an incredible number of civilizations, including early agricultural villages and the Byzantine Empire.

One of the most popular historical sites in the country is the Rose City of Petra, which is located in the southern deserts of Jordan. The site contains an incredible collection of temples, tombs, and monuments, all carved directly into the surrounding sandstone cliffs. The city was once the capital of the Nabataean Kingdom and has been a popular attraction since its discovery in 1812. Petra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has been listed as one of the "Seven Wonders of the World" due to its unique and fascinating architecture.

Jordan's popular Greco-Roman city of Jerash is probably one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. An impressive complex of colonnades, temples, theaters, and baths adorn the city, giving an insight into the country's days of ancient glory. From Jerash, visitors can also explore nearby ruins at Umm Qais, a city mentioned in the Bible, and Ajloun Castle, an impressive 12th century fortress.

With its vast and varied history, Jordan is certainly a place worth visiting for history lovers. With its incredible array of monuments, ruins, and archaeological sites, it is sure to satisfy the curiosity of any traveler. There is no better way to experience the country's past than through its many ancient archaeological sites, which are a testament to its incredible history.

The Culture of Jordan

Jordan has one of the most attractive cultures in the Middle East, with a depth and richness that draw visitors from all over the world. This country is steeped in antiquity, with archaeological sites standing in testimony to the ancient civilizations that once inhabited the area. It is no surprise, then, that travelers looking to experience a unique and captivating culture in the Middle East choose Jordan to explore.

Given its location, Jordan embodies a truly unique style of culture. Though it is a predominantly Muslim country, the majority of the population belongs to the Sunni sect of Islam, rather than Shiite or any of the other interpretations. This particular sect emphasizes cultural moderation, which is heavily reflected in the cultural acceptance of many faiths, especially those professed by tourists visiting Jordan.

That is not to say that Jordan has forsaken its origins. From the historical city of Petra, to the scrumptious variety of Middle Eastern cuisine, to the enchanting Bedouin style of living, travelers visiting Jordan will find themselves immersed in its centuries-old culture.

Though Christianity has recently become less popular, being outnumbered by the Muslim population, it still holds its own in Jordan, with a range of protected Christian sites, such as Mount Nebo and the Baptism Site. Tourists can also expect to experience the cutting-edge contemporary scene whenever they visit Jordan. From art galleries to desert trekking with trained guides, to the bustling nightlife scene in metropolitan areas, there's something for everyone to enjoy in this fascinating country.

For people looking to tap into a culture that reflects the best of East and West, Jordan is the perfect destination. Visit Jordan and discover its timeless culinary delights, its historical sites, and its vibrant contemporary scene. Come to Jordan and experience the real Middle East!

The Food of Jordan

Jordan is a Middle Eastern nation known around the world for its unique culinary experiences. From mezze platters and juicy falafel burgers to traditional Jordanian dishes like mansaf and zarb, Jordan has something to offer everyone when it comes to food. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a novice, you're sure to find something delicious in Jordan.

Mezze platters are a great place to start when exploring Jordanian cuisine. Typical mezze selections include hummus, moutabel, tabouleh, kibbeh, olives, and a variety of dips, all served with warm, fresh pita bread. If you're feeling adventurous, why not try some of Jordan's grilled meats and vegetables such as sabanikh and kofte kebabs. The combination of succulent flavors and spices is sure to have your taste buds singing with delight.

For a truly traditional Jordan experience, sample some of the national dishes. Mansaf, a dish of lamb or chicken served with rice and yoghurt sauce, is widely regarded as Jordan's national dish and is particularly popular during the holidays. But if you're looking for something a little more adventurous, try zarb, a Bedouin dish of lamb or chicken cooked over hot coals and served with vegetables, bread, and a flavorful yoghurt or garlic sauce.

Finally, no trip to Jordan is complete without sampling some of the local sweet treats. Baklava is a classic Middle Eastern pastry made with layers of filo pastry filled with nuts and sweet syrup. Or try some Jordanian knafeh,a sweet dessert made with kata'if (a type of shredded dough) and melted cheese. To wash it all down, opt for an aromatic cup of herbal sage tea - the perfect way to end a meal.

Jordan is a truly unique destination when it comes to exploring the world's culinary traditions. With its diverse range of dishes, flavors, and spices, travelers will be in for a real feast - both for the palate and for the soul. So why not make plans to visit Jordan and experience unique culinary delights that you won't find anywhere else in the world?

What to See and Do in Jordan

  1. Climb Mount Nebo, Jordan: Standing at 2,037 meters above sea level, Mount Nebo provides a stunning view of the land of Jordan, the Dead Sea, and Jerusalem. The mountain is sometimes thought of as the place where Moses looked upon the Promised Land of Canaan. The climb is suitable for experienced mountaineers, but experienced hikers can do it with the right preparation as well. It's recommended to plaster on sunscreen and wear a hat, and it's also a good idea to bring a few bottles of water and a snack for energy.
  2. Visit the ancient city of Petra, Jordan: From its dramatic sandstone rocks and multicolored cliffs, to its elaborate tombs and ancient monuments, Petra is a must-see for any traveler to Jordan. Inside the city, there are many spectacular monuments, including the Treasury, Roman Amphitheatre, Street of Facades, Royal Tombs, and the Monastery. There are several guided walking Tours and also horse-drawn carriage rides that can take visitors through the narrow canyon between the rock formations.
  3. Explore Wadi Rum, Jordan: Also known as the Valley of the Moon, Wadi Rum is a protected area of desert landscape that is characterized by towering sandstone rocks and imposing cliffs. Adventurers can take a 4x4 jeep tour of the region, explore nearby sandstone canyons and ancient rock tombs, or even camp overnight under the stars.
  4. Wander the Roman-era ruins of Jerash, Jordan: Also known as the "Pompeii of the East", Jerash is an archaeological site located 30 kilometers north of Amman that was once an important Roman city. Visitors to Jerash can explore the intact city walls, a traditional souk, temples, theaters and baths. There are also other monuments, such as a colonnaded street, a number of coffee houses, several public fountains, and a triumphal arch.
  5. Relax on the Dead Sea, Jordan: Situated between Jordan and Israel, the Dead Sea is even saltier than the Mediterranean Sea and eight times saltier than the average ocean. Visiting the Dead Sea is an unforgettable experience, and visitors can relax on its sandy beaches, swim in its warm and buoyant waters, and experience the incomparable views of the surrounding desert landscape.
  6. Take in the beauty of the Ajlun Castle, Jordan: Located in the northwest corner of the country in a mountain range called Jabal 'Auf or Ajlun, the Ajlun Castle is the perfect place to explore the deep history and culture of Jordan. The castle was built by the famous Salah Al-Din or Saladin in the 13th century, and was used as a defense against the Crusaders who wanted to take over Jerusalem. Today, visitors can explore the castle's courtyard, defensive walls, and towers, before taking in the breathtaking views of the surrounding region.
  7. Marvel at the collection of museums in Amman, Jordan: Not to be missed for any traveler to Jordan is the city of Amman, home to an array of fascinating museums. Highlights include the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, the Jordan Museum, the Royal Automobile Museum and the Jordan Folklore Museum. These museums are all within a 15 minute drive from one another and they tell the story of Jordan through their displays of ancient artifacts and art, as well as through cultural performances, interactive exhibits and educational activities.
  8. Go shopping in Amman, Jordan: From unique souvenirs and traditional handicrafts to handmade jewelry and local delicacies, Amman city is a great place for all type of shoppers. The best place to find interesting goods is to meander through the indoor market of The Souk al-Qattanin, or the Traditional Market, located in the heart of the city. The souk also serves as an food stalls, where visitors can experience traditional Jordanian cuisine.
  9. Fancy a dip in the Ma'in Hot Springs, Jordan: Located in the heart of the Jordanian desert, and on the edge of the Dead Sea, the Ma'in Hot Springs is a popular and relaxing destination that has long been appreciated by locals and tourists alike. The sulfur-laden hot springs temperature range from 39*C to 43*C and are set in a beautiful natural landscape. The spring's waters are so therapeutic that they are said to treat a wide range of skin ailments and help soothe aching muscles.
  10. Take the classic desert tour to Wadi Rum, Jordan: Many travelers choose to take a classic desert tour in order to explore Jordan's stunning desert landscape. Tourists can try out new activities like sand-boarding, camel riding, and trekking, while enjoying the beautiful views of desert oases, sand dunes and majestic canyons. These Tours also offer a glimpse into Bedouin culture as travelers are often invited to break bread with locals around a campfire.

Why You Should Travel to Jordan

Jordan is an incredible travel destination for anyone who enjoys ancient history and natural wonder. What makes Jordan especially attractive is its combination of a bustling city full of modern amenities, relics of the past, vast deserts and mesmerizing saltwater shores.

Jordan offers visitors a unique cultural adventure, as the country's culture is steeped in thousands of years of history. Visiting the legendary city of Petra is an experience to remember, as the ancient city is filled with carved sandstone structures, many of which are still standing after thousands of years. With its mysterious canyons, secret entrances, underground tombs and thousands of stories, Petra is sure to astonish. For a more modern experience, Ramadan, the Islamic holy month, is an incredible event to witness. Celebrations in Jordan take place all throughout the cities and brightly lit streets, with locals dressed in traditional clothing, enjoying music and exchanging gifts. outdoors lovers will be amazed by Wadi Rum, a protected area of Jordan with vast deserts, deep canyons and sandstone walls. Here, travelers can take in the breathtaking desert views or take part in various activities like camel or horse riding, hiking and climbing.

Finally, Jordan's sea coastline is not to be missed. Several resorts line the beaches, offering travelers a chance to relax under the warm sun or explore the underwater world of snorkelling and scuba diving.

In conclusion, Jordan combines a rich culture and history with stunning natural beauty to create a unique and unforgettable experience. With modern city amenities and ancient temples, gorgeous beaches and vast deserts, Jordan is a must-travel destination for any traveler looking to explore the world.

Tips & Tricks for Traveling in Jordan

  1. Join a tour: Visiting Jordan as a part of a tour can make travel easier as experienced guides know the best routes and attractions to visit. They can also help with cultural differences and preparations for the journey.
  2. Consider the culture: It's important to familiarize yourself with local customs and traditions prior to your visit to Jordan. Understanding cultural norms is the first step in ensuring a more comfortable and respectful travel experience.
  3. Pack lightly: Avoid bringing too many items to Jordan as carrying around heavy luggage is not only tiring but can also be impractical. If possible, keep all clothing and items light and easy to transport.
  4. Stay hydrated: Traveling in Jordan can be hot and tiring, so it's essential to stay cool by drinking plenty of water during the day and avoiding too much caffeine and sugar.
  5. Follow the rules: Jordan has many specific laws and regulations; therefore, it's important to make sure you comply with local laws and guidelines while you're there.
  6. Try local cuisine: With its Mediterranean influences, Jordan's food is a mix of spices, vegetables, herbs and meats. Foods like mansaf, falafel and pastries can be found all over the country.
  7. Dress appropriately: Jordan's clothing style is generally modest. Women should avoid wearing low-cut tops, shorts and skirts, and men should wear long pants and trousers.
  8. Look for discounts: Jordanians are generous people, so it's normal to receive discounts, especially in tourist locations. Don't be afraid to ask!
  9. Buy a SIM card: Having access to the internet while traveling in Jordan is essential, so buying a local SIM card with data is a great way to stay connected.
  10. Be courteous: Jordanian locals often prioritize politeness, so keeping an open mind and treating everyone with respect and kindness is key when visiting the country.

Other Places You Might Like

  1. Amman, Jordan: Amman is the capital of Jordan and it is a must-visit for any fan of Jordan. From the ancient ruins of the Citadel and Roman amphitheaters to the buzzing nightlife and shopping Street of Downtown - there is something to cater to everyone's interest. With its hilly topography, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and plethora of traditional cafes and restaurants, it's an exciting city to visit and explore.
  2. Petra, Jordan: Petra is the world's most iconic city in Jordan, the 'Rose City' was incredibly important to the ancient Nabatean people and is a popular tourist attraction today. The ancient stone-carved structure, water channels and caves tell stories from thousands of years ago and are worth exploring. Not only that, but the awe-inspiring ruins, like the Treasury, Monastery and High Place of Sacrifice, impress with their grandeur and beauty.
  3. Jerusalem, Israel: Jerusalem, the cultural and spiritual center of Israel and revered city by the three major religions is a place Jordan lovers will appreciate. Its assortment of sites like the Wailing Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, make it easy to understand why it's one of the most important cities in the world. The diverse sounds, smells and colors of this ancient city will be sure to hit home with any Jordan fan.
  4. Cairo, Egypt: No trip to the Middle East would be complete without a visit to Cairo. It is where East meets West within the context of 3,000+ years of rich history. Explore the pyramids and other ancient monuments of Giza, sample the vibrant nightlife of Downtown Cairo and visit its many museums, galleries, and shopping markets. Its amazing mix of cultures, food, and its famous buzzing atmosphere should be a must visit to any Jordan fan.
  5. Mount Nebo, Jordan: Mount Nebo is an important biblical and religious site in Jordan, where it is believed to be the site of Moses' death. The view of the Holy Land extending towards Jerusalem is breathtaking and any Jordan fan will love the sense of history and reverence shared at the site. The site itself is home to a small Byzantine Church and 4th century mosaic floor with the famous 'Psalm of Moses'.

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