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Travel News: Japan, Germany, and Delta Airlines

In travel news for May 26, 2022 we have good news from Japan and Germany, and an update from Delta Airlines about their summer schedule. 

Germany Travel Restrictions

Germany has recently announced that starting Wednesday, June 1, they be temporarily suspending the “3g” requirement for entry during the summer travel season.  The “3g” rule as it’s called in Germany is similar to travel restrictions in other countries, it required travelers to prove they have been vaccinated against covid, recently recovered from COVID, or have a negative covid test.  It’s important to know that even though the 3g rule has a negative covid test as an option unvaccinated travelers are currently not allowed to visit Germany.  At the moment it looks like this will change as of June 1st and all travelers will be welcome without covid restrictions.  The only exceptions being those coming from countries that are considered “virus variant areas”, currently no countries are classified as such.

Delta Airlines Summer Schedule

While demand for Air Travel has grown significantly this year airlines have been struggling to keep up with demand.  The biggest issue being staffing shortages, especially pilots.  In order to avoid lengthy delays or cancellations airlines have been working to condense routes and shift assets around to better respond.  Delta Airlines is the most recent airline to announce that they will be reducing flights.  Delta will be cutting aproximatly 100 flights a day from their schedule between July 1st and August 7.  This will primarily affect domestic U.S. and latin American travelers.  Delta isn’t the first airline to do this, both JetBlue and Alaskan Airlines have previously announced they were scaling back flight schedules for the summer months.

Japan Travel Restrictions

We’ve previously talked about a test program out of Japan to assess if the country was able to reopen to travelers.  The program has been successful enough for the Prime Minister of Japan to announce that as of June 10th more package-tour travelers will be allowed to visit the country.  This isn’t a full reopening, but part of a phased reopening process, the number of visitors will be limited  at first but should increase overtime.  Arrivals will be capped to 20,000 foreign travelers in a given day, well below pre-pandemic levels.